Vi arbetar för ett samhälle
fritt från diskriminering.

Reports in English

Here you will find our translated reports. Are you in need of another format such as braille or Daisy? Please send an email to

  • The state of discrimination 2024

    A summary of the annual report from the Equality Ombudsman This report provides an overview of the occurrence of discrimination in Sweden, how widespread discrimination is and how it is manifested. The report shows that there are great risks of discrimination in working life and in school. The report is based on knowledge about the occurrence of discrimination from several sources. For example, complaints to DO, research, dialogue with civil society and surveys by other actors.

  • The state of discrimination 2023

    Annual report from the Equality Ombudsman This report provides an overview of the occurrence of discrimination in Sweden, how widespread discrimination is and how it is manifested. The report shows that there are great risks of discrimination in working life and in school. The report is based on knowledge about the occurrence of discrimination from several sources. For example, complaints to DO, research, dialogue with civil society and surveys by other actors.

  • Living conditions for persons with intersex variation

    The purpose of this publication is to contribute knowledge about the living conditions of persons with intersex variation – also known as persons with variations in sex characteristics – from a discrimination perspective. The text is based on a knowledge base that DO developed in response to an assignment from the Swedish Government, and on which a final report was submitted in March 2022.

  • Justified pay difference or related to gender?

    The aim of this report is to provide an insight into how employers approach the requirements in the Discrimination Act to discover, rectify and prevent unjustified pay differences between women and men who perform work that is equal or of equal value. This insight is vital to be able to develop the necessary support with a view to strengthen the work in counteracting an unjustified gender pay gap, as stipulated by law. The report presents a qualitative analysis of documents on this matter produced by a selection of employers. The selection comprises all 21 Swedish County Councils and Regions and 94 private and medium-sized establishments from different industries. The main conclusion is that actions by employers vary considerably and that in certain contexts, broad variation creates different prerequisites for employers to discover, remedy and prevent unjustified gender-related pay differences. The report also highlights employers' analyses of pay differences between women and men in equal work and work of equal value and show that there are both similarities and differences in what employers believe to be objective explanations for these pay differences. The complete report, titled "Sakligt motiverad eller koppling till kön? En analys av arbetsgivares arbete med att motverka osakliga löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män", is however only available in Swedish.

  • Roma rights

    This report analyses both what the Equality Ombudsman has learned in the course of its work and the available data concerning Roma’s access to rights on equal terms. It is important to reflect both on the limitations of current legal tools and on the opportunities they afford, and also to discuss which supplementary measures will be necessary in the coming years. Below, we discuss the measures that will be required if the law is to be even more effective in ensuring Roma rights.

  • Discrimination of the Sami

    The purpose of this report is to contribute knowledge of the Sami situation today by revealing the Sami discrimination experience and to propose measures to prevent and counteract discrimination of the Sami. The report is intended to serve as a basis for the continuing work to prevent and counteract discrimination of the Sami.

  • Discrimination of national minorities in the education system

    The objective of this report is to contribute knowledge about the situation of national minorities in the education system today by illustrating their experiences of discrimination in the education system and propose measures to prevent and combat discrimination. The idea is that the report shall serve as a basis for the future, continued work of the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination and other actors to prevent and combat discrimination.

  • Discrimination against Romanies in Sweden

    A report on the DO project in the years of 2002 and 2003. The report shows that there is very little awareness in the Swedish majority society of Romanies and their living conditions. Also among those authorities, whose task it is to investigate, counteract and forestall discrimination, awareness and insights are insufficient. There is a lack of awareness of the underlying causes of the Romany situation, of the roles played by the state and the majority society throughout history, and of how this links with the discrimination of today.